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Quarry Con ’18

13 Sep

Quarry Con ’18

Quarry Con ’18

Another Conference, another year goes by. What was so special about this year’s conference? This year marked the 50th anniversary of the Institute Of Quarrying NZ and was focused on what the last 50 years has been for the industry and what is the future for Quarrying.

What has the last 50 years looked like? Check the gallery below to see what was and what now is:

Quarrying has changed drastically when compared what was done 50 years ago and is set to keep changing at an ever-increasing pace as the industry is affected by technological disruption taking place the world over.

What to be aware of?

  • The Global construction market is set to grow 70% in the next decade, driving demand for more raw materials.
  • Self-driving car technology will become more mainstream and is already spilling over into the mining industry in the form of AHS (Autonomous Haulage Systems)
  • Fully electric vehicles are already available to the public and electric machines have already being used in factories for years. Larger, mobile and more industrial machines will be relying on diesel less and more sustainable forms of energy in the future as fuels become increasingly more taxed and environmental sustainability becomes mandatory.

Keestrack have an innovative history of pioneering technologically advanced machinery. In 1996 Keestrack brought the first direct feed tracked scalper to the market. Its now one of the most popular tracked machines sold in the world today. Keestrack has continued to innovate in the industry by adding a double deck secondary screen on their mobile impactors and triple deck secondary screen on the new hybrid powered tracked cone crusher. Along with removable power units, hybrid and fully electric capable power units and advanced nano coated powder coating Keestrack has continued to look forwards at constant improvement in the industry.

If you want to make sense of what is happening in the industry talk to us at Equip2, we offer a consultative approach to your business to increase your productivity and performance.

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